Come on have a hit of cocaine. It is an experience like no other. Not to mention a high like no other. It can take away any worry that can run through the human mind. Legalizing drugs is not making propaganda commercial meaning it does not encourage Americans to use drugs it is acknowledging there is a problem and having drugs in the black market is not the solution. The sooner America realizes that legalizing drugs is not a horrible idea the sooner America can fix the drug problem. The documentary The House I live In directed by Eugene Jarecki shows that the drug war is more complicated then putting away drug dealers and users. All drugs should be legalized because it can protect the rights of Americans by keeping all people equal to the law. Also, it is extremely costly, but by legalizing drugs, the United States can make an enormous amount of money just off the tax revenue. Not to mention, it will cut down on drug related violent crimes. As such, ending the prohibition on drugs has many benefits for the American people and its government. The drug war has cost the Untied States Government about one trillion dollars. The drug war is expensive, especially since so many people are behind bars for violating drug laws. Richard Branson, stated CNN, 2.3 billion are imprisoned for violating drug laws, and ten million for possessing Marianna. “Rather than rooting out the traffickers, it filled the country’s jails with blacks and Hispanics, who in some cases serve more time for possession than convicted murderers,” (Easley The Day).According to the heart and mind organization, it cost tax payers about Thirty-two billion a year on prisoners. Such examples show the miss use of tax payers money. Furthermore,the cost of constructing the average prison is estimated at thirty million dollars. Consequently the number equals hundred thousand dollars per cell stated in Towards a Policy on Drugs by Elliot Currie. Also incarcerating people in prisons is not the answer to end the drug war it makes it worst. Not only for tax payers, but for the individuals who are convicted. As Mr. Jarecki showed in his film, a lot of these individuals who were imprisoned for drug violation end up becoming a burden to society. Because they cannot find a job due to their criminal experience, which further leads them to dealing drugs once again. The Working Poor by David Shipler tells Wayne’s story about his difficulty in attaining employment because of his criminal record. Wayne expresses his dislike for answering whether he has a criminal record. His dislike seem to stem from his uncertainty on how to respond to such a question. He says, “You got to put down you, have you been arrested? I always feeling that I am not gonna get hired here- sitting there looking at the peoples faces and knowing I am not gonna get hired, (Shipler, 122). Though Wayne finds temporary jobs such as McDonalds, “60 percent of formerly incarcerated in New York state are unemployed after one year of their release”(Smith, Out of Prison Out of Job). Seeing the negative issues as illustrated in Wayne’s story, the economic and social impact caused by the war on drug hard-presses tax payers’ wallets and the cultural health of the country. A solution may be found in legalization.Before weighing the solution found in legalization, another issu