Atticus Finch from the one of a kind novel, “To Kill A Mockingbird” demonstrates the qualities of an ideal father. This old and special novel written by Harper Lee includes the adventurous life for Jem and Scout, which is Atticus' children. The first fatherly quality that Atticus has is he is very affectionate with his children but at the same time he is also supportive and cares for other people too. For example like when Jem damaged the camellia bushes that belonged to Mrs. Dubose and her garden because of her insulting messages to the children, Atticus informs his son to read to Mrs. Dubose each day even though she was mean to Jem and Scout first. Later the kids learn Mrs. Dubose morphine addiction and find out the true meaning of courage when Atticus says, “It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you see it no matter what.” (pg. 149) So this shows that Atticus is well being as an authority figure and shows the good and right ways to Scout and Jem. A second point that makes Atticus a good father and even in general is because he sets an example of behavior and honesty. He does not shield Jem and Scout from tragic events. To do so would not help them mature so Atticus lets them experience the outside world. When Bob Ewell “kills himself”, Mr. Tate wants Atticus to keep quiet. Atticus refuses saying “Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I've tried to live so I can look squarely back at him...if I connived something like this, frankly I could meet this eye and the day I can't do that I've lost him. I don't want to lose Jem and Scout, because they're all I've got.” Atticus' comment shows he would do anything for his children no matter what it takes which makes him brave, a leader and again a good father to look up to. A third and final quality that makes Atticus a good father is the way he teaches his children to treat all people with equality and respect. Atticus is a lawyer and this le