1. What is the idea that the author is communicating about family as presented in my text? • All teenagers go through a time where they break away from their families to try and find their own identity. • As teenagers grow older (and wiser) they often long to return to the safety of their families or what is familiar. • Loving parents never stop loving you or disown you even though you may have chosen to go down a different path from their own or are different than them. 2. What is the narrative perspective (who tells the story) in my text? • Told in first person narrative, through the eyes of Beatrice "Tris" Prior. It’s told in the present tense: ‘I sit on the stool and my mother stand behind me with the scissors, trimming’ (pg 1); ‘I am in darkness. The last thing I remember is the metal chair and the needle in my arm’ (pg 251). 3. How is this idea communicated by the author (e.g. through characters, narrative, perspective, setting, plot, language features, symbolism, structure etc)? • In the plot of the book Tris replaces her family with a different type of family group as she doesn’t feel like she belongs (even though she is Divergent and doesn’t belong with Dauntless either) – ‘faction before blood’. For example Beatrice/Tris grew up in an Abnegation family but chooses to join ‘Dauntless’ during the ‘Choosing Ceremony’. Her brother Caleb chooses ‘Erudite’. • The factions symbolise the family structure – they have a hiearchy; same beliefs; support one another and have a sense of belonging (i.e. all wear the same type of clothes; same expectations). • Through narrative, through Beatrice/Tris’ eyes, Roth makes us think about the struggle that teenagers go through in trying to move away from their families to find their own identity. For example ‘When I look at the Abnegation lifestyle as an outsider, I think it's beautiful. When I watch my family move in harmony; when we g