College is a time of learning and exploring new cultural and social boundaries. Many people make wrong choices in college that effect on their career. It is also often accompanied by negative side. As a student, I know there are three worst habits that threaten in college successful life; first, use to social networking sites, second, using drugs, alcohol and doing all night party and third, skipping classes and not paying attention to much in study and career. These three bed habits that people are tend to pick up mostly from each other that can be harmful. There are some disadvantages to using social networking websites for people. In everyday life people using social networking websites, that some affected negatively on their health and academic career. Social Networking website includes so many people and many interesting features which are designed for the purpose of communal connection. This websites attack many people easily because of its have various stuff. For example, people are accessing Facebook, Twitter and other sites. On those websites, people are making new friends, chatting with new friends, playing games and sharing information to each other. The long time use of social networking websites is very dangerous for any people mostly for students. There are many students use social networking sites till midnight which is very dangerous for their health and also wasting a time. They all time thinking about any stuff of social networking site which makes them depress. Using those websites, people are going to in wrong direction and that effect on their career. The worst habit that threaten the success of college students are; drinking an alcohols, drugs and doing all nights party. People know to each other and they are hangover every night. They are doing whole night party and drinking alcohols and drugs which are put them in dangerous situations and give them a headache long after the hangover is gone. The short and lon