
A Message from Benjamin Franklin

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The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin is an autobiography on the life of Benjamin Franklin. I chose the autobiography of him because he was a brilliant innovator who helped shape America as it stands today. He is famous for his creations such as the Pennsylvania gazette, where he created the famous “Join, or Die” political cartoon. He is also renowned for his works under the name Silence Dogood, the creation of the Poor Richards Almanac, studies on the nature of electricity, and formation of America’s first subscription library. The following is an abridged account of his early life, and how it shaped his career as a politician, philosopher, and inventor (sort of). I, Benjamin Franklin, was born on January 17, 1706 as the tenth son of Josiah Franklin. At the age of fifteen I worked under my brother James Franklin, who I competed with throughout my early life. I was educated under principals of Locke and was taught to be a doubter when it came to societal conventions and religion. When my brother James would not let me write for his newspaper I wrote many letters to his print under the guise of a widow named Silence Dogood. In these letters I made very critical analysis of the treatment of women. The letters became wildly popular. This however was the first and one of the smallest of my successes. In my adult years, I continued work in printing, and in 1729 I purchased my own newspaper. I contributed many pieces under aliases and soon found myself running the most successful newspaper in the colonies. In the 1930’s and 1940’s I helped to form the Library Company the Philosophical Society and the Philadelphia Hospital, which are all still in existence today. I also created the Union Fire Company in 1736 which was the first organization focused on preventing fire in the city, as well as the Philadelphia Contribution for Insurance Against Loss by Fire in 1752. Finally, in the 1750’s I began works in science including the he

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