
Pressing Social Problems

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America is seemingly plagued with numerous social problems in today’s age. Social issues and problems can, and do, affect every American, at every level of the socio-economic ladder. In this paper, the topics of consumerism, family and environment will be explored in the manner in which they have become some of the top social issues in America today. The first topic of consumerism is easy to identify in America today. The problem is not simply consumerism, but rather the manner in which many Americans today “over-consume”. We see that in everyday life. People feel the need to obtain more and more material things. In an age in which people seem to be time deprived, they still seek to be better, or have more than the next person. Purchasing items, they truly cannot afford, in the shortest amount of time. Mass media and marketing from the corporate world have seemingly helped develop a “learned” concept of this over the last thirty or so years. In addition, this problem does not seem to be slowing down. Why does this pose a problem? It can and often does lead to financial stress and even demise for families. “Everyday practices of shopping are often suffused with ideals of love and care, such as the mother who passes up dozens of garments until she finds just the right one for her child, both appropriately stylish and within budget” (Popke, 2006. Page 504-512.). The over consumption within families is often an attempt to “buy love” for members of the family rather than spending meaningful time together with adequate communication and affection. This ultimately affects an important social institution within society, and that is the family. It brings high levels of stress, long-term discontentment and can ultimately destroy this institution. Not just a single family but even entire communities. This brings us to the second topic of the dissolution of the family within society as a social problem. The previous topic touch

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