Job Description/Job Duties Software engineers are the people who create programs that you use in your daily lives, some create applications such as apps on the phone or games on the computer, some create the operating software of the device. Software Engineers are in charge of the entire development process of the program/software. They analyze what the client’s needs and then develops and designs a software that fits what the client asked for, they can also create upgrades for the client’s existing software. Software Engineers are different from Computer Programmers, a software engineer designs each part of the program and figures out how they will work together, they create diagrams such as flows charts to instruct programmers on how to write the code for the software. If something goes wrong with the software while it’s in the creating process, the software engineers are responsible for going back to planning stages and redesign what went wrong. I choose to do my report on this job because this is what i want to do when i become an adult, and also even if i don’t end up going for this career path, i have a high interest in programming so i would like to find out what this job has to offer. Education and Training Most software engineers have at least a bachelor's degree in either computer science or software engineer. My goal is to enter the software engineer program at University of Waterloo. The courses required for this career are grade 12 U advanced functions, calculus and vectors, chemistry, english, physics and computer science, each need a minimum of 70% and your average needs to be at least 90% for minimum consideration. Admission average chart for software engineer at University of Waterloo: Grade Range Probability of receiving an offer 80-80% 0% 85-90% 1% 90-95% 20% 95%+ 85% The tuition for this program is about 12,800 dollars per year, which will cost around 51,200 dollars for 4 years. Programming competitions are great for experience and also if you were to get a good score it would look really good on the application, and give you a significant advantage over others who are applying. Specialized Skills Some important skills you need for this career path: Analytical Skills Communication Skills Computer Skills Interpersonal Skills Problem-Solving Skills These