
Desdemona's Doomed Devotion

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The force between Othello and Desdemona was stronger than their love for each other. From the beginning, Othello and Desdemona’s love is doomed due to the strong influence of external factors. Othello, a man of African descent, married Desdemona, a white Venetian woman, in a time period that is very strongly manipulated by racism. Iago, a good friend of Othello, plants a seed of suspicion in Othello making him believe his wife is committing adultery. Barbantio, Desdemona’s father, has warned Othello not to trust in Desdemona’s faithfulness because she could just as easily betray him as she did to her father. Many character traits make it nearly impossible for Othello and Desdemona to understand the reality behind their love for each other. Barbantio has always had a strong love for Desdemona and trust in her morality. In the sixteenth century racism was very convincing. Barbantio was friends with Othello through work and was upset when he heard Othello married Desdemona behind his back. “O thou foul thief, where hast thou stowed my [Barbantio] daughter?”(p. 24). Barbantio didn’t expect Othello to keep such a large secret from him that directly affected himself. He was also displeased with the fact that a black man could woo Desdemona and marry her. “Being not deficient, blind, or lame of sense, sans witchcraft could not” (p. 34). Barbantio was so desperate of not believing the truth that he accuses Othello of drugging or tricking Desdemona to marry him. When Othello came forward and admitted to the secret marriage Barbantio had determined his fate. Barbantio said, “What makes you think she wont deceive you as she has me?”. This sparks one of Othello’s suspicions in Desdemona’s disloyalty. Ironically after this scene, incidences begin to occur that make Othello believe what Barbantio has told him. Barbantio has ruined the fate of Othello and Desdemona ever having a long, blissful marriage. Iago is a very ma

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