The key areas of conduct described in the directive to me would be the protection of the company’s confidential information and policies. It is very important that employees, staff members; and all employed by the company understand the importance of this policy. The key reason for honoring and protecting the above mentioned policy is quite simple; it is business. KFC has their secret recipe for frying chicken; as all businesses have confidential aspects of the business, that not only allows them to be set apart from their competitor’s, but it gives way to branding and establishment of the company as a whole. All employees of the company are expected to keep all company deals in house, not sharing with family, friends; and certainly not with any competitor, customer or contractor. This principle is so important because without it in place; and without trustworthy people who can keep it in place the company would surely go under. Confidentiality is a key to any and all businesses success. Without it you can’t compete on the market. Another key area of conduct that is important to running a successful business is; non solicitation. This policy protects the company and its brand from confusion, and infiltration of a competitor’s products, goods, and/or services. It ensures that the company is always the first and last interest; and keeps the focus of the employees on the growth and development of the company as a whole. The ensurity code of conduct employees is essential to any and all businesses being successful. There are a few different ways to ensure employees are keeping in line with the codes of conduct. But the most reliable would be through supervisory observation and periodic evaluation reports. Also in this new day and age of social media, an outside assessment can be gathered by observing and monitoring personal social media accounts of employees. The truth is there is no real way to ensure that any employees or