
The MMR Vaccine and Autism

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In 1998, the publication of an article in the Lancet stated that the use of the vaccine known as MMR contributed to the emergence of a new syndrome bowel disease syndrome and was linked to autism. The research only published in that journal but also for many years, the media were reporting the results in the news that caused lot of controversy primarily for parents. Although it is shown that MMR does not cause autism, people still believe what's in the news, and have yet to take the time to do some research.  Because of this event the vaccination rate decreased drastically and person myth that persists even today that MMR causes autism, only after many years of investigation was to determine the magnitude of the fraud, the ratio of Wakefield and vaccines organization to pay to produce the evidence that could be used in lawsuits against vaccine makers laboratories and consequences and caused a stir this publication hence the little knowledge of the people. Parents need to be updated all the time about vaccines and autism and are encouraged to do so they need to find that information on the Internet, new publications, the newspapers, also in the daily news on the news, etc. Cheer and discover the truth is what he has done to investigate, but the reality is that there is a contradiction of many medical articles that some say that if MMR causes autism and others do not, that's why we have to update us there cases of children like Ryan of California, Bailey after receiving the MMR vaccine showed symptoms of autism and received compensation for it, it was in 2008 in the United States, the Court of Federal Claims admitted that vaccines containing thimerosal preservative mercury-based, can cause autism. It is by this that I recommend to people and especially to parents that when you have a child is mandatory kept well informed of all and particularly of the effects that can cause each of the vaccines they receive their children and to any sy

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