Currently in all fifty states the drinking age has been set to twenty-one with a few states acceptations where teen are allowed to drink at home under parental supervision or for Medical Consumption. But why is the drinking Set to specifically twenty-one? Why not eighteen, when an individual becomes a legal adult? Well According to government officials the minimum legal drinking age is set to twenty-one because its believed that prior to twenty-one teens have not reached the maturity level to consume Alcohol and is more likely to harm themselves And Others. The legal age of an adult was not always eighteen. Prior to president franklin Roosevelt taking office the legal age for adult was twenty-one. Dating back to English common law a young person could not vote or drink amongst other thing prior to the age of twenty one but President Roosevelt approved lowering the minimum age to eighteen for the military draft, legislators followed the lowering of the draft age with the lowering of the voting age with the mentality that a person is old enough o fight for their country at eighteen but not old enough to vote? This ratified the twenty-sixth amendment. Legislators the applied the same logic to drinking thus lowering the drinking age to eighteen. Then organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving began fight for a uniform national drinking age of twenty one to help eliminate alcohol related traffic accidents an facility and to keep alcohol out of the hands of supposedly less-mature eighteen year olds. Which brings us to where we are now in this battle with the minimum drinking age. It is also largely argued that with a higher legal drinking age it lowers the drinking and driving amongst teens and lowers drunk driving fatalities but honestly why is is raising the minimum drinking age to eighteen sought out to be the only solution? Is education not an option? In most states like New York teens are educated on everything from mathematics to sex so why can drinking be one of the. If we regulate and teach teens how to drink responsibly that is a much better solution than telling teens they cannot do something because most of us can speak from experience the older we turn the more we feel like and adult and if at eighteen you are viewed as a legal and independent adult by state laws it’s just natural that eighteen year olds feel that drinking a right they are entitled to I mean coming of age entitles you to so many other thing why not drinking? Turning eighteen is the first step to legal adulthood. What does it mean to become an adult? You have new rights associated with being independent. You also have new responsibilities and are held personally accountable for your actions. At the age of eighteen in Montana, as in most states, you are automatically given all the rights of an adult except as to drinking alcohol. Upon turning eighteen the United States have determined you are mature enough to gain access to certain rights such as voting. You are also deemed mature enough by most state laws to make your own end-of-life decisions such ass writing a will. You are also mature enough to become an organ donor, to sign legal documents such as a contract which includes renting an apartment, buy a car, taking out a lo