
My Broken Heart

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Being in love is one of the most wonderful feelings one could experience freely here on earth. Love inspires and motivates people to be the best version of their selves. Many times, when we are in a happy state of being in love, we tend to take for granted unintentionally the other aspects of our lives mainly because we only focus our attention to the significant person we are with. Not all relationships are successful; however, having a failed love makes a person better. When I had my heart broken, I grew closer to God and to my family. While I was still in a relationship, I seldom come to family gatherings due to always giving my time to my ex-boyfriend. I gave him so much time that I forgot to keep some for myself, so when I became single I make-up to my family for all the times that I was not there for them. It really is easing to know that I have understanding parents. They guide me when I was going through my heartbreak. Breaking up with my ex-boyfriend was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Even though I was completely devastated of the break-up, it led me closer to God. A friend of mine connected me again to the Lord, and it gave me so much peace of mind and that really helped me to be more positive in life and love. In addition to being positive, it also helped me to moved on faster and I studied harder. Since I was broken hearted, I focus myself also on studying and spending my time with my new friends. One major improvement after the break-up was my grades in school. I do not study that much, I rather talk to my ex-boyfriend than open up a textbook and read. When we broke up, I had all the time in the world to study and do my homework’s on time. Consequently, I got good grades, and I was included in the list of honor student at the end of the semester. I was proud of myself for achieving something good out of something bad. Being single makes one extra-friendly. I met new people at school whom I seldom notic

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