Throughout life, people overcome adversity and achieve personal growth over days, months or even years of experience. In Little Brother written by Cory Doctorow, Marcus faces difficult problems which help him to overcome adversity and show significant personal growth. In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Ralph also faces a series of issues and obstacles that clearly portrays his character development throughout the novel. Little Brother and Lord of the Flies both showcase the protagonists hardships and challenges due to the fact that both characters were hunted by their enemies, they are both leaders of groups, and both face different forms of adversity. In both novels, the main characters, Ralph and Marcus, found themselves in situations where they were being hunted by their enemies and both characters were able to survive and overcome this problem. In Little Brother, Marcus was being tracked by the Department of Homeland Security because they intended to hunt him down for trying to expose their plans to the public. Marcus explains what is going to happen to him when he publishes the video. He explains, "They're coming for me though. You see that. They're trying to put me in jail forever. Not even jail. I'll just disappear." (Doctorow, 282) As the DHS gains more control to the city, Marcus became more independent and figures out a way to fight as well as defend himself when the DHS comes for him. In the end, he overcomes adversity by planning to flee the country with his girlfriend. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph find himself being hunted by Jack and his tribe of boys. Jack's tribe even starts a fire in the forest in an attempt to force Ralph out of hiding. Ralph explains that Jack's tribe is planning to hunt and kill him. "Won't you come with me? Three of us. We'd stand a chance." (Golding, 210) As Jack's tribe becomes more savage, Ralph becomes more self-dependent and strong. He has the knowledge to defend himself when they a