
Global Overpopulation

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Introduction In this essay, I will present the views and evidence towards the continuing arguments and issues of population and how it is affecting the world’s population. Overpopulation is when an area's amount of residence enlarges enough so, that it can harm the environment, cause a decline in the quality of life, food and water. In order to present this I will first carry out an investigation into the status of the overpopulation growth in Hong Kong and how it is affecting our resources. I will then look into how overpopulation impacts my daily life. I don’t believe that the population has any idea of how much of a problem this could be in the next 20-30 years and how it could affect everyone’s style of living and the amount of children everyone is allowed to have. This essay will show the main issues and topics of this crisis. The questions that I will try to answer are how are people and different governments around the world trying to deal with this issue? How will it affect the future if we do not act now? How does it affect the current population? How will it affect the world and it’s resources? Local Overpopulation in Hong Kong has been a growing concern over the last several years because of the continuing attraction from Mainland China and expats all over the world. The main concern towards the growth in population from Mainlanders is that the more people that come in, the more pollution and less space. From 2008 to 2011 the population grew by over 100,000 people (Hong Kong Govt). As Hong Kong is such a small place, overpopulation should be a greater concern by all the population including the government. The overpopulation crisis that is affecting Hong Kong badly can bring a lot more issues including environmental and economical issues. Hong Kong has over 3,600 people every square kilometre (Hong Kong Govt), considering Hong Kong’s small area that is a huge number. Over the past 100 years, Hong Kong has needed to maximize the space that was provided to them on this island. Because of the space needed by the growing population, they had to build more and more public houses and other public facilities to accommodate the people living here. Over the past 50 years the Hong Kong government has reclaimed over 3,600 hectares from the harbor and have already said that they will be taking an additional 1,300 hectares in the next several years (CUHK). Over the past decade or so the Mainland Chinese population of Hong Kong has grown twice the amount (JMSC Data Journalism Lab team). The growing rise of the mainlanders moving and visiting Hong Kong has been a growing concern for the population and the government for several years. 13 years ago there were approximately 250,000 mainlanders who had crossed into Hong Kong while July of 2015 the number has increased to over 2,500,000 visits (Hong Kong Tourist Board). The increase in numbers has meant a growing rise in industries around Hong Kong, which means a growing number in visitations not only from Mainland China but also around the world. China has recently added a law in which, only 1 visitation a week is allowed into Hong Kong unless you have a work visa in the Hong Kong area (Codewit World News/ Al Jazeera). Most of Hong Kong’s population has originated from the Mainland are

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