
Story of the Prophet Musa

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There was once a cruel king who ruled Egypt, named Firaun (Pharoh). He used people as slaves to build cities. He wanted to kill all the male newborns because he had a dream that a man would kill him. When he brought his dream interpreters to tell him what was the meaning of this dream, they told him to kill all the male newborn babies. Then, Allaah brought a male baby called Musa (alaihis salaam) to the Banee Israa-eel in Egypt. When the mother gave birth to Musa she heard Allaah tell her to put Musa (alaihis salaam) in a basket, then put the basket to float on the River Nile. She would tie the basket to the land so that it wouldn’t float away. One day, she was rushing and she could not tie the basket. The waters of the rivers brought the basket straight into the palace grounds, by Allaah’s Grace. The basket was then found by the maid of Firaun’s wife, Asia. Then, Asia took the baby to Firaun and asked him if they could adopt him because they had no children. She sought Firaun’s permission, Firaun accepted. Asia then wanted to feed the baby milk, so she brought a lot of different breastfeeders, but Musa wouldn’t feed from any of them. Then, one day, Prophet Musa’s sister informed Asia that she had a breastfeeder for Musa, who was Musa’s mother. By Allaah’s Grace, Musa and his mother were reunited. As Musa (alaihis salaam) grew big and strong, he once accidentally killed an Egyptian while trying to protect someone from his tribe, and therefore Musa had to leave Egypt in his protection. He travelled until he came to a town called Madyan. As he walked along, he saw two girls trying to get water for their farm animals, but the men wouldn’t allow them. Musa (alaihis salaam) helped the girls and when these girls told their father (Prophet Shuaib), he invited Musa (alaihis salaam) to his house. As time passed, Prophet Shuaib allowed Musa (alaihis salaam) to marry one of his daughters. After several years, Musa (alaihis salaa

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