How Pre-Conventional Morality Applies to My Life As the first part applies to my life, it has a lot to do with my work, for example having to blame the client erred in ordering a plate with specific instructions saying not to put onions in his/her salad, but when I make the order, oblivion to these specifications. I am implementing the first stage of the theory of Kohlberg, based on change reality according to the consequence that would have sending the order without these specifications. It is in this way that this theory applies in my life at the time to take decisions concerning punishment for doing something wrong. Moreover if I in change, a customer said it felt very satisfied with my customer service and my attentions, I will take a decision to invite her/his to write its review in Urban spoon or Yelp, and make their public comments about the experience in the restaurant, knowing that the consequence of this will be a good thing and I will be rewarded with praise from my bosses and more recognized among people when they visit the restaurant. How the second stage applies to my life, it has a lot to do with what the rest of society thinks about how I make my decisions, a good example of this would be when I go out with my friends to eat but I've already taken two drinks and with the third I have over passed the legal limit to drink and drive. I'll take the decision to stop drinking based on what my friends will think of me, but I will not think about being punished by the law, in this case has more weight what people have to say about my behavior. Or another example would be in simple things like getting dressed one way and when my friend comes to pick me up, I would ask once more how do I look? And by not receiving a positive response I will change my clothes until I have her approval by saying that I look good. This third stage of Kohlberg's theory applies to my life for example on the issue of abortion and that it has already legalized in most states of th