The dreaded school year is over and finally, all of us students get to kick back and relax. Although making plans with friends, going to the beach, and staying up all night may seems like to be the ideal way to spend your summer, only those who choose to venture to summer camp get the full summer vacation experience! This is coming from me; ten years of attendance and I still can’t sleep the night before. Alright, alright! Quit your complaining! I’ve had enough of this ‘but summer camp isn’t for everyone’ lecture. What kid doesn’t like to spend , at the least, a full week , at the least, surrounded by his or her friends? That’s what I thought. Hear me out, seven days of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, team building, cabin bonding, sports, sailing, windsurfing; I can keep going if you would like. My point is that, the opportunities at camp are endless. Where at your house can you go rock climbing, kayaking and sailing all in one day at your house? {insert something along the lines of “didn’t think so”} This is why summer camp is just so fantastic. Not to mentionIf this wasn’t enough (I would not start a sentence with “not to mention”), there are zero parents around! You only have councilors, and even then they are usually seventeen to twenty years old. That’s the equivalent ofto hanging out all summer with an older sibling. In my first year, my councilor was so amazing, that I stayed an extra the following week just so she wcould continue to be my councilor. And Wwhat’s might be so great about a councilor, you ask?. For starters, they themselves went to camp when they were younger and, thus they want your experience to be just as great as theirs was. Not to mention, Tthe amount of lessons I have learned from my councilors and the independence they helped me gain is remarkable. I still use every bit of it daily. So there are no parents, great opportunities, and friends all around. So what? St