Can mankind really be nearing the end of our existence because of antibiotic resistant super bug? The thought of it sounded somewhat unrealistic, at first. Although, after giving it some thought, and reading the article from the B.B.C., I think it is a little bit scary. I know that comparing the “Black Plague” to a new age super bug is kind of comparing apples, and oranges, mostly because of technology, and medicine but, the thought of it gives me the chills. When I read that there has not been any new antibiotic discovered the 1980’s, it was very sobering. Without adequate funding research will continue to progress slowly. Now I am not going to say that I think there will be some sort of Apocalypse at any given moment, or even in my generation but, with doctors over prescribing medications, at time on a “just in case basis“. Instead of we are prescribed antibiotics every time we get a cold maybe, we should reserve antibiotic treatments for surgery, or other life threatening diseases. The flip side to this is; I don’t want to see a family member sick when I know that there are treatments available. Where would we draw the line in reference to who would, and would not be treated? Probably end up as another case of the “have’s” and the “have not’s.” Would that even matter considering we have been using the same antibiotics for over 30 years now according to this article? Growing up in a small town introduced me the life of agriculture, which makes me a little bias against corporate farming. I learned that every animal on the farm is closely observed, and properly cared for. There is a lot of time that goes into caring for these animals, the farmer has to do so in order to feed their families. With that being said, I think that big cooperation’s, greed is largely to blame. I wonder how closely the industries are regulated, if at all, Big time companies only interest is to make more money. They are pumpi