The American Revolution was a result of what seemed to be an everlasting political upheaval between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain that lasted from about 1765 to 1783. Britain seemed superior to a lot at the time, which gave them the confidence in war, but America wanted what they were fighting hard for more. The war could of had a much diverse outcome of each side didn’t have the strengths and weaknesses that they had, and the war could of turned in any direction at any time. Britain’s military was the best in the world, America’s Patriots didn’t have that. They were poorly epuipped even though they were being provided things from France. The tremendous difficulty America was facing trying to raise enough funds to buy basic supplies for their troops was definitely a major weakness. On the other hand, the colonies had some advantages. The British had to wait months on end for their supplies to come in for war, America was getting their supplies straight from France because of the alliance that they had. Also, we had a much more positive outlook on things, we were fighting for our liberty, rights, and independence. Britain was just waging a war to deny our independence. We had a motivating cause. Both sides of the long war had their reason to and to not win the war. The question is, who should of really won the war based on facts? Most would say Great Britain because of their strong army and large amount of money and people. They had just as many reasons not to win aswell though. Even though America’s probability of winning the war was very slim, due to little money, poor training, and much less people involved, we had outstanding leadership. Britain had no legitimate cause, ours was not one to mess with. We were willing to fight brutely for our independence, rights, and liberty. Also, we had an alliance with Great Britain’s enemy, they didn’t even have an alliance, and they had weak leadership, unlike ours. Al