Buddhism and Hinduism are two religions that are highly well known and widespread and they share common principles. Although Buddhism and Hinduism share a similar concept of karma, their philosophy of reincarnation and rebirth are highly distinct. Karma is a core concept in both Hinduism and Buddhism however, Western culture has adapted its use in an incorrect form that shows a lack of understanding. In both Hinduism and Buddhism it is believed that if one lives a righteous life and does good deeds, they will experience beneficial effects. However if one lives a life of anything contrary to virtuous, they will witness unfavorable outcomes and consequences. Karma is a word that many Westerners are familiar with and use in everyday language, however, it is often misused due to the lack of understanding. Most people have the misconception that karma refers to the saying “what goes around comes back around” or as fate, and that is incorrect. In addition they believe that a person will be punished in the same manner that they committed a misdeed. Nevertheless, that too is a mistaken belief of the karma philosophy. Upon hearing this, a Buddhist and Hindu would claim that the concept of karma is being improperly used. They would argue that karma is the action, not the result. In other words, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”. The effects of karma are not simply limited to our actions, they account for all approaches, including the “unseen or spiritual aspects of life”. Ultimately, karma is a cycle of effects that takes one’s actions and simultaneously produces counter actions. Even though Buddhism has its origins in Hinduism, these religions are not the same. Buddhism is based on teachings provided by Siddhartha Gautama, who is better known as the Buddha, which means "the awakened one". Karma can essentially be looked upon as a law of cause and effect. Buddhists believe that everyone has the power to control their own life and that there is no such thing as predetermined destiny. In other words, believing in karma gives you the ultimate power to control your future at any moment simply through bettering your actions. Buddhists also strongly believe that it is the duty of