In modern society, people are ruled by guns. When guns were first introduced in the late 1700’s it would take a person 15 seconds to load aim and fire at a single target. Nowadays in 15 seconds a full clip of 15-25 bullets can be emptied on multiple targets. The issue of gun control has been out of control for a long time. Maybe ever since their invention. The gun is very small object that is easy to obtain/use. This has the gun as an extremely dangerous factor in our lives. If used incorrectly a gun could be a real liability not only to the target, but the user as well. Bowling for Columbine was a documentary film by Michael Moore. The film is about “what Moore suggests are the main causes for the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and other acts of violence with guns.” Bowling for Columbine shows us that in modern American society where death by guns exceed 11,000 people a year. North America is believed to in live in a society where television, news, music and entertainment programs produce violent images, and where the public lives in fear of being robbed and killed and also how easy it is to get a hand on a gun. The media is absolutely a great impact on how developing minds behave. The media is defined as listening to music, watching TV, playing video games, reading newspapers, movies, surfing the internet and/or reading an article like in a magazine. I think when people see things on television or define the lyrical meaning a song has to it, it has an effect on them. If there is violence on the news or in a TV show kids think that imitating such actions give them cool points. Most movies nowadays and even the past 100% of the time show one scene showing violence and it affects people and they may do what is being shown. TVs are the greatest source of visual violence for children. Video games expose young children to a level of violence unimaginable. The news also creates fear. For example, In the 6 minute music videos o