
Pied Beauty - Praising God for Nature's Beauty

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In the poem, "Pied Beauty," is a sonnet by Gerard Manley Hopkins. Many themes are explored and depicted, such as the theme that everyone should thank God for all the beautiful and, “dappled,” things he has created for us. These things, that at first glance would not be considered beautiful. Hopkins makes it clear that he is a servant of God himself, by saying things such as, “Glory be to God,” and, “Praise him (the God).” The theme is effectively illustrated through the wide range of literary devices such as, structure and style, imagery, figurative language, enjambment, and rule of 3. Gerard Manley Hopkins utilizes structure and style to explore the theme of the poem; that we should all praise the God for creating the beautiful nature. The poem begins and ends with a simple praise to God; "Glory be to God for dappled things," (line 1), "Praise Him," (line 11). This may be due to Hopkins’ religious influence, he was a Jesuit. The poem is written in such a way that it feels like a hymn, a religious song of praise for God. The poem is made up of 2 stanzas, with the rhyme scheme of ABCABC, DBEDE. The first with 6 lines, and the second with 5. There are no standard number of syllables per line. However, look at the way that each group of 3 lines is indented, except for the last line, “Praise him.” This line, unlike the rest, is set in the middle to maybe suggest to the reader that it is like a concluding, “amen,” of a religious prayer. This links back to the theme of the poem, because the writer is purposely writing in such a way, so that the reader feels like they are reading a religious song. This makes it easier for Hopkins to illustrate the magnificent things God has invented. In the first 6 lines, Hopkins elaborates with examples of what things he means to include under this rubric of, “dappled.” In the final 5 lines, Hopkins goes on to focus more closely on the characteristics of the examples he has given in

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