The concept of integrating my faith through leading, learning and serving others, has already been taught and instilled me before I came to Charleston Southern University. I learned growing up in ministry that we must be able to function through our faith in the real world as well as in the church. I have made the decision before God and to those around me, to be an example to those around me, in the areas of leading, learning and serving. To me, all of these areas are characteristics of a disciple. I will make these following commitments to these areas of service to ensure that I do my best to have the characteristics of Christ and to carry his heart in all I do at Charleston Southern University: I believe that I must make sure that I have strong foundation in my faith before I can do anything. I must be able to maintain in my faith to be able to operate at my full capacity in any area in my life. I think that not wavering in my faith will help me to encounter and go through the struggles and challenges that college may bring. So with that being said, I can commit to making sure that my spirit man is built up at all times so that I may face any challenges that may arise and allow me to carry out what he has entrusted me. I first make a commitment to lead by example. There is a scripture in 1 Corinthians 11:1 that says, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” I must follow Christ do things as he instructed me to do them. I believe that Christ did things in decency and in order. Being able to lead means that you first are able to follow. I must follow directions of my instructors, dean, and even follow those students who have more school experience than me. I feel that must be able to have the character of a leader to be able to lead correctly. These are some characteristics of a leadership that I feel I possess that will help me be effective in the area of leadership. I will commit to being honest. I’ve learned that being honest gives you credibility with God and man. Being a consistent leader will gain me respect. Having a clear direction is an essential to being a great leader. By seeing what can be and managing the goals on how to get there, you can create change. Lastly, I believe I need to have effective communication. It helps keep right attitude. If I communicate effectively about expectations, issues and advice, the people around me will follow with clarity and instruction. There is a scripture in Proverbs 1:5 that says, “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” This scripture means to me that I must feel my own ignorance, and my need to be taught beyond what I already know. As I grow older, I’ve come to realize how important knowledge really is. The bible also says in all of thy getting, get understanding. To me this means keep seeking the truth. All truth comes from above and God desires that we grow in wisdom and knowledge. I make a commitment to succeed at learning more than I ever have. I will help push those around me to stick to their schools goals even when it’s rough and make sure they succeed in area of their life. I also believe that furthering my learning enables me to give more to my school and to those around me. I am willing to take the time to learn new skills and make myself a more valuable student. I commit