Are we using our fossil fuels efficiently? This is something every nation should be asking themselves, with many running out of their own coal, oil, and gas to use, they resort to buying it from other countries. However, using so much energy takes a toll on the atmosphere and it shows. CO2 concentration, which is the heat that is released when creating the fuels we use such as gas, is high but companies do not seem to care. Many gas companies, for example Shell, are just looking to buy and sell energy without caring if the world runs out of fossil fuels. We need to cut back if not completely, significantly, on our fossil fuels before we run out. "What will happen if we run out of fossil fuels?" (Cooke). Fossil fuels are natural fuels such as gas or coal, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms. Fossil fuels are our number one source of energy but the problem with this is that they can run out. In an article from The Independent, James Vincent discusses how many European countries will run out of their own fossil fuels within the next couple of years. He states that the UK has a little over 5 years left of its gas, oil, and coal supply. Alternatively, they don’t plan on resolving this by cutting back their energy usage, or finding new sources of energy. Instead, they hope to find some oil in the North Sea to plug this upcoming setback (Vincent). I disagree with Vincent’s view that they should continue to find more fossil fuels because it is obvious that we do not have an unlimited amount of this natural energy. Kieran Cooke from the Climate News Network, says, “While some energy company executives are willing to admit the enormity of the problems the world faces in relation to climate change, the industry goes blithely on, mining fossil fuels and pushing CO2 into the atmosphere,” (Cooke). I find this to be true of many industries. Alcoholic beverages, for example, cause serious problems to people’s bodies but yet they are still being sold. Why you may ask? Many of these industries are what help keep our economy growing; they play a major part of our economy. Americans alone spend roughly between $700 billion to $1 trillion a year on natural gas, oil and coal (Environment America). This money