
Disadvantages of Technology

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Our lifestyle today has completely changed from what it used to be in older times. Our days start and end throughout using technological inventions such as computers, iPads, high-tech machinery, cellphones etc. All of these are considered to be direct cause for the change that we have encountered today in our society. Things that before were thought to be impossible now can be done in no time all because of robotics, Internet, high-tech machineries etc. This advancement in technology that is proposed by humans to help themselves’ is showing its results remarkably. Although, new technologies that are introduced every now and then are helping us make our life easier, in the same way they are destroying our future by making us dependable and taking our jobs away. Technology in simple terms of definition means to use knowledge as a tool kit in order to invent devices that would make our task easier in an efficient and accurate way. Next, 20th century was when technology first came into spotlight as it, “revolutionized economies in previous centuries and created industries,” (When Droids Take Your Job). However, it took a huge jump and came into everybody’s attention when computers/digital technology and Internet came into action. As we know, anything overly used is not good; similarly if use technology in a proper way it turns out to be good, but if we totally rely on it then it will harm us in multiple ways. Like it or not, we are the beginning of a decades-long trend says Kessler, Andy in his essay, “Is Your Job an Endangered Species.” However, the sad truth is that we have made ourselves very much dependant and now it’s hard to imagine our world without technology. From tube lights, to hand mixers, to electronic cooking stall, clothing washer and drier etc pretty much everything are creations of different types of technologies. Going forward, in an editorial, “When Droids Take Your Job,” McAfee asserted that, “the list of things humans are demonstrably better at than computers is shrinking pretty dramatically,” (When Droids Take Your Job). The reason for this downfall in the list could be because of people not being able to keep up with the skills and organization needed with the rapid and ongoing advancement of technology says David Rotman in, “How Technology Is Destroying Jobs.” Rotman supports McAfee’s statement about human versues computers skills, and agrees that humans are falling behind. He (Rotman) justifies his position by pointing towards people who are part of the cycle where people use their electronic gadgets every now and then to find answers for their simple questions. Moreover he continues by saying that, technology surely is helping us solve our problems by creating, “digital versions of human intelligence,” yet, it equally is destroying our ability to judge and solve problems by ourselves (David Rotman). Another thing that comes to my mind when think about technology is the impact it is creating on our jobs. One can’t ignore “The fact that 26 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed” (Kessler 203). In contrast, according to Jeremy

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