
Adultery in the Scarlet Letter

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In colonial Puritan society adultery was looked upon as one of the worst sins a person could commit. If a woman was found to have a child out of wed-lock, a life full of shunning and shame would await her. The Scarlet Letter shows the important role society's place has on a person. Society brings themes of Religious privilege for holy officials, disadvantages of being a woman, and the shame placed on sinners. The Scarlet Letter begins immediately with the theme of sinner's shame thrust upon Hester. The opening scene shows Hester and child coming out of jail only to be publicly ridiculed for the adultery Hester has committed. Her punishment for her sin is public shaming where she must literally sit and be insulted in the middle of the city square. Hester's place in society will never be the same now that she is a social outcast. Her sin will forever be represented not only in the red "A" she must wear, but also in Pearl who is an embodiment of her adultery. Now that Hester is a known adulterer, no man will ever approach her for the rest of her life. To all men in Boston, she is looked upon as an unclean woman. Another theme prevalent throughout The Scarlet Letter is a special privilege for Religious officials. Although the reader knows of Dimmesdale's sin he has committed with Hester, he will never be suspected by the people because of his holy status. Dimmesdale almost seems to represent all that is right in the world, while Hester embodies everything wrong. Hawthorne uses these conflicting messages of character to represent the inconsistency of Puritan society. To the rest of society, Dimmesdale is a father figure to their faith lives, while he secretly has a struggle with the guilt of his own sins. The last and most obvious theme shown in The Scarlet Letter is the unjust disadvantages Hester faces for being a woman. In the 1800's there was not the civil rights progress yet for woman that we have in today's society. Because of these

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