A book that allows the reader to get wrapped in to the mystery of things or idea of something, and still maintains an optimistic and light-hearted tone, in my opinion is a good book. In the novel Paper Towns by John Green the author allows the reader to do just that. Quentin Jacobsen is a seventeen year old senior in high school who is about to graduate. He is in love with his childhood best friend, and long-time neighbour, Margo Roth Spiegelman. When Margo appears at his window in the middle of the night and climbs into his room, she challenges him to help her with a mysterious twelve part plan that will take all night. Quentin accepts the challenge since he has been in love with her even since they were children. The next day she disappears, but leaves clues for Quentin. The deeper he goes on this absurd path, the less he sees the girl he thinks he knows. I recommend Paper Towns to be taught in schools; teenagers can learn many lessons throughout the novel such as selflessness, pre-judgement of individuals, and the impact of negative choices. Students can relate to the events that occur throughout the novel while still being able to take away valuable messages that they can utilize in their daily lives. Selflessness is an admirable trait which Quentin Jacobsen possesses. He is a shy and quiet individual who is introverted. When Margo asks Quentin to carry out her plans of revenge; it takes a lot of courage for him to go with her. She asks Quentin if they can use his car to travel the various destinations. After he contemplates what he should do, Quentin agrees and they use his car for the night. He says “And so I went. I slid out the window and we ran along the side of my house, heads down, until we opened the doors of the minivan. Margo whispered not to close the doors- to much noise-so with the doors open, I put it in neutral, pushed off the cement with my foot, and the let the minivan roll down the driveway”(Green 29). Although Quentin knows he is not supposed to use the car without permission from his parents, he still takes the car in order to help and spend time with Margo. Once all the pranking and plans are completed. Margo asks Quentin to help her break into SeaWorld in which Quentin in not thrilled about and he replies, “Fine, but when SeaWorld incorporate, or whatever sends a letter to Duke University saying that miscreant Quentin Jacobsen broke into their facility at four-thirty in the morning with a wild-eyed lass at his side, Duke University will be mad, Also my parents will be mad”(Green 70). Quentin does not feel comfortable breaking into SeaWorld in the middle of the night because it is illegal, and they could get caught and get into major trouble. They discuss the possible consequences of getting caught breaking into SeaWorld, however Margo convinces Quentin to do it because he will do anything to help Margo. Once Quentin finally discovers Margo’s possible location, he decides to se