Growing up poses challenges to most people by leaving the innocence of childhood, to face the maturity of facing the adulthood. The character Holden Caulfield from, "The Catcher in The Rye, by J.D Salinger, discovers that he wants to protect kids, but realizes he needs to grow up. He wants to protect kids from the vulgar world. However, he is struggling because he would prefer to stay innocent, rather than dealing with phoniness. He learns that all kids need to mature. Holden has the need to protect kids from losing their innocence, because he thinks that the world he lives in is filled with phonies. He states, “I kept picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye. Thousands of little kids and nobody’s around-except me. I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff,” (Pg. 173). He also mentions that it is not only kids who he wants to protect, but also Jane Gallagher. Holden’s relationship with her is innocent, which shows his concern. She is the symbolism of purity. Holden wants to protect her from Stradlater, preventing them from fooling around. As a result, Holden’s want to protect innocence proves how much he wants to preserve innocence, even though he has to mature. Not only does he have to mature, but he also struggles with maturity as well. He wishes that he could fit in with the adult world by showing that he is mature. For instance, when Holden goes to the Lavender Room in chapter 10, he pretends to be of legal age by ordering a scotch and soda. Of course, he gets caught in the act, and ends up ordering just a soda. Likewise, in chapter 14, after relieving Holden of his funds, Maurice physically attacks him. “Then he smacked meal I felt was this terrific punch in my stomach,” (Pg. 103). In essence, he shows Holden what sort of person he does not want to be. Despite Maurice’s action, he represents a v