
Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence what is it and how does it affect us in our personal life and professional life? Well, this is what I hope to convey to you by the end of this paper. We all have that one person at work, or in our personal life, that is always there for you to listen to you no matter what the problem or situation. They are intent listeners and are very patience and always know what to say to make you feel better about your situation. Even if you don’t find a resolution to your problem, you always seem to feel better after talking to them and even feel hopeful. Then, you probably know someone that is guru at masking their emotions. You have never witnessed them getting angry during a stressful condition, they always seem to face a problem head on with a positive and calm attitude and come to a conclusion in a positive matter. Their decision making skills are excellent and they always know when to truth their instincts. They are always willing to look at themselves with honesty. They will take criticism really well, and turn it around to be used in a positive way to improve work performance. Both of these examples are people that have high degrees of emotional intelligence. They also seem to sense the emotional needs of others, but they know themselves pretty well too. I myself would like to be more like the both of them, but my emotions do get the better of me sometimes. In today’s world emotional intelligence is just as important in your professional achievement as your technical capabilities. More and more organization are promoting the use of emotional intelligence (EI for short) in the hiring process. Every-one of us have different personalities, we all have different wants and needs, and aspirations of what we want out of life, and our emotions are no different. From how we show them to how we keep them at bay in a trying situation. It’s no easy task at masking our emotions but learning how to navigate with tact and

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