“On June 28, 2005, three of four SEALS on the ground (Murphy, Dietz, Axelson) were killed during combat operations in support of Operation Red Wing. On the same day, a QRF of eight Navy SEALs and eight Army Night Stalkers were also killed when the MH-47 helicopter that they were aboard was shot down by enemy fire in the vicinity of Asadabad, Afghanistan in Kumar Province,” (“Michael P. Murphy”). The movie, "Lone Survivor," gives its audience an incredibly legitimate depiction of Operation Red Wing. Through Lone Survivor, viewers apprehend what really happened that day 10,000 ft. up in the Afghanistan terrain and discover what a true Lone Survivor Marcus Luttrell really was. As the title of, "Lone Survivor," lucidly reveals, only one SEAL survived Operation Red Wing. Marcus Luttrell was that Lone Survivor. As depicted in the movie, Luttrell was part of the four man SEAL team consisting of Sonar Technician 2nd Class Matthew Axelson, Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Danny Dietz, and Lt. Michael Murphy who were all killed in battle, (“19 Americans Killed”). Luttrell, Hospital Corpsman 2nd class, was extremely wounded. In Lone Survivor, Luttrell’s wounds are accurate, though some of his wounds were left out of the film. Luttrell suffered multiple shrapnel and gunshot wounds (Alexander). Not shown in the movie, Luttrell suffered a broken nose, broken back, and mental and emotional trauma (Alexander). Navy.mil explains Luttrell’s injuries as such: “Dehydrated, with a bullet wound to one leg, shrapnel embedded in both legs, three vertebrae cracked; the situation for Luttrell was grim. Rescue helicopters were sent in, but he was too weak and injured to make contact,” (“Michael P. Murphy”). It is a miracle Luttrell made it out alive. “Marcus Luttrell says part of himself died on the Afghanistan mountain where his three Navy SEAL comrades perished in the ill-fated 2005 mission Operation Red Wings” (Alexander). In total, nineteen Americans lost their lives during the attack. The largest loss of life, acted out nearly