In the book “Presentation of Self In Everyday Life," Goffman compares much of social interaction to a theatre and it actually makes sense. We as people are actors in our everyday social interactions. We act everywhere we are, no matter who we are with. We as individuals play a variety of roles and our audience consists of other individuals such as friends, family and even strangers. Our audience observes our role-playing and then reacts to our performances. In our social interactions such as a stage, we have our front region, where the actor is on stage in front of the audience. There is also a back stage and back region, where we as individuals can be ourselves. I personally use my back region the most. I have a roommate and I spend majority of my time in the house in my bedroom, where I can be by myself, away from my roommate, her dogs and such. I can unwind usually without any interruptions. During the back stage, the individual is able to get rid of any identity that they play when they are in front of people, so basically I can just be lazy, change into sweat pants and relax for the evening. Although the bathroom is also the back area for most, for me, I don’t feel like it is at all. My roommate always feels the need to bust into the bathroom when I am in there for something. She likes to use the bathroom while I am in the shower or brushing my teeth. Although we have a second bathroom, she’s too lazy to walk upstairs to use it. I never feel safe and secure in the bathroom, I feel at any given moment she’s going to barge right in! Goffman talks about performance, and refers to this as the activity of an individual in front of a certain group of people. The actor then gives meaning to themselves, to others and to their particular situation. These performers then deliver impressions to others and information exchanged to confirm our identity. I feel as a whole in society, no matter where we are, working, in class, just out in the public, we are constantly being judged. I know that if I am somewhere and I see someone out wearing something ridiculous or someone with a crazy hairstyle or screaming at his or her child in public, I am going to judge him or her. I don’t mean to be mean about it, but we all judge people, whether we are making fun of them or not. I know people judge me, probably for still being in school or not being married, but I don’t really let it bother me too much. I also think it’s always good to make a good impression no matter where you are, because you never know who is watching you and taking it all in. I try to always make a good impression at work, because I am easily annoyed when people constantly call with dumb questions