Domestic Abuse is a serious problem in the United States. Most domestic relationships begin with attraction and formed into love. Over time, some women develop an emotional dependency for the man which she has fallen in love with. Majority of women think that she is in love with her partner and may even not imagine her life without him. Another dependency that some women have with their partner is financial means. A woman will feel at times that she will not be able to survive financially without her partner. These dependencies are viewed by men as a weakness. This is how men will gain total control over the woman. Many women who are in abusive relationships often develop a low self-esteem and possibly depression. There is a great deal of women who live in fear on a daily. They fear of what her partner may say or do if she upsets him. The sooner a woman seeks help with this problem, the less likely it will be that the abuse will escalate into a horrible or violent relationship. There are numerous social issues that exist in our country today. One of the major problems that affect a billion of US women is domestic abuse. The Oklahoma County Prosecutors Office states that “One woman is beaten by her partner every 15 seconds in the United States” (“Fast Facts, 2013). So does this mean domestic violence continues to escalate? The answer is yes. If it is not dealt with early, the abuse will continue to get worse. Domestic abuse is not immediately. It has a multistage process where attraction and love escalate to violence. Every woman loves to feel love, if it is from a new relationship or one that has continued for years. Susan Forwarde, Ph.D. Describe it as “The relationship can affect you like a euphoric drug; being on 'cloud nine'” (Forwarde, 1986, p. 20). A woman who has these feelings is living a day dream. She believes that the feelings will last forever. Unfortunately, a great amount of the time her day dream is cut short. Most abusive relationships begin with these feelings with the excitement of ever lasting love. Forwarde mentions this concept by stating: "Without realizing it, many women divide the emotional landscape of their relationships into a foreground and a background. In the foreground there are all the wonderful characteristics that the man possesses. These are the traits that are focused on, maximized, and idealized. Any hint of trouble gets pushed into t