Wake up fellow scholars, it is time to open your eyes too the world we live in today. Stop buying new expensive clothes, electronics or cars just to fit in with the proletarian group. Do you not see that people are suffering all across world and being socially bought in capitalism labor markets? Lets be more specific does the new Jim Crow or consumerism ring a bell. American history is synonymous with the entrepreneurship of its citizens, and the effects of capitalism on the collective identity. Many immigrant groups ventured to America to achieve the goal of economic success and prosperity. Unfortunately, the American dream is not for everyone and therefore many are bought into a system of labor. Whether it is working for some manufacturing company to produce a new product that socially traps the consumer into buying or is it the prisoner locked away in their new jail cell just recently built. Thus, the goal of this paper is too examine the formation of labor markets by way of capitalism. A few of the main examples used will be hegemony, consumerism and the prison industrial complex influence by capitalism. In the decline of post socialism societies and birth of market economies the focus is to not just money capitalism-based corporations but power as well. Thus, lets begin with the prison industrial complex, a system seen as modern day slavery or in short the New Jim Crow. It is important to note that the prison industrial complex is a system where money is earned through the exploitation and oppression of people that are make up both the middle and lower class communities. The prison industrial complex system comprised is of a series of private jails, state jails, the way jails make money, outside companies that make money off of jails such as food companies, companies that make furniture for jails, prison guards and other resources needed by prisons. Thus, the prison industrial complex is one of the rising multi-billion industries that is very similar to the slave trade if it was still in existence today. Therefore, the criminalization of subgroup is a way to increase the capital for a company. In a rapidly developing industry the prison industrial complex system forces someone to ask: What is the efficacy of mass incarceration? Furthermore, John Maynard Keynes once stated, “Capitalism is the astounding belief that the wickedest of men will do the wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone” (Brainyquote.com). Thus, being that society has become so fond with being materialistic, prisons have become just like any other investment. In our materialistic society, most people are guilty of being “New Slaves”. As each financial quarter arrives, so does the manifestation of new products for consumers to purchase. Therefore, when buying a new pair of clothing all you ever see is the finish product and not the labor that took place to create it. Thus, as a consumer take a second and think about whether the money spent is being funneled into a privately owned prison used to make the latest merchandise. Elizabeth Dunn in Privatizing Poland: Baby Food, Big Business, and the Remarketing of Labor states, “production is a relation between people rather than relation between a person and things” (Dunn, 171). As a result, many people become consumers that do think about where or who these products effect. It is as if “buying” into a capitalist societ