Rage has a huge impact in the Iliad. The main theme of one of the world’s most important epics, the Iliad, is rage. The Iliad starts with the word: “Rage” which implies the Rage of Achilles. This Rage of Achilles and all of its effects and consequences creates the main theme of The Iliad. The Iliad is not about Trojan War, Hector or Agamemnon; actually it is about how rage can affect a person’s behaviors and other people’s lives. Not only rage, also honor and pride can be seen in Iliad by analyzing the events. Honor is one of the most important aspects which shape the Iliad. The main character of Iliad, who is Achilles, gets furious because his honor and pride are insulted. This rage of him, caused by the insults to his honor, creates the main theme of the book. Therefore, we can easily see that the entire book is about rage. Many characters get furious in some parts of the book and this combined rage shapes the epic. The Iliad develops around rages of different characters but mainly Achilles’ rage. Some rages fire up each other like Achilles’ and Agamemnon’s and some rages change the tide of the battle like Achilles’ rage which is towards the Trojans. We will see and examine many examples of rage and effects of rage in the Iliad which I will explain in the following paragraphs. The first book of the Iliad starts with the rage of Achilles. The rage of Achilles has a huge impact in the events in the Iliad. Achilles argues with Agamemnon because he takes Achilles’ prize, Briseis, from Achilles so he gets angry which starts his rage, therefore he resigns from the war which changes to book and the war completely. He leaves his friends alone in the war against the Trojans just because of his personal honor and selfishness. His rage for Agamemnon comes from his stubbornness that no man can bring down his honor or pride for any reason. This stubborn rage makes him leave his companions alone in the battle, therefore causing many deaths which could have been avoided if he did not abandoned his friends. He was so overwhelmed by his rage that he even said that: “ persuade him (Zeus), somehow, to help the Trojan cause, to pin the Achaeans back against their ships, trap them round the bay and mow them down. so even mighty Atrides can see how mad he was to disgrace Achilles, the best of Achaeans!” (page 91, lines 482-490). This quote means that Achilles has pleaded to his goddess mother to make her persuade Zeus and make Zeus punish the Achaeans because their leader Agamemnon disgraced him. He wanted this punishment just to show that Agamemnon was wrong to disgrace Achilles and they are powerless without him. He was so furious that he even wished his friends death and defeat to his side, Achaeans. His rage made him to wish such things, his rage harmed him and his companions. Later, his absence from the battle because of his rage causes the tides of the battle to change. Trojan side begins to gain the upper hand because the greatest Achaean warrior Achilles has withdrawn from battle. His rage made him blind and deaf to see or hear what is going on out there and he just think of himself which means that he is neglecting the truth of his friends’ dying in the battle. His rage makes him to give