Introduction Although my report, contains descriptive analysis and information about the “Epidemiology Case: Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas”. Although I will discuss the key essential elements and describe Epidemiology in two different parts. The first part it will contain brief statements about the investigative issue which based on epidemiological steps. To address the question that are listed on the bottom of this case study. The second part of the report essay cover information and knowledge of the epidemiological concept that contains many questions concerning the case study in the “Epidemiological Case #1: Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas”. My report format will cover all the essential perspective information and question given by the case study. My report is divided and formatted as follows introduction, the first part -1 Epidemiological steps tat addresses the issues and the second part will discuss the knowledge of epidemiological concept address the list of other issues. Also at the end of my report I will do a conclusion about the entire report will contain a brief summary. The Case Study In the scenario, I will describing Part -1 discussion information an accident, reported by a student at the University of south-central Texas. The (TDH) in Austin, the morning of March 11, concerning two students facing a case of suffering from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Many students were ill from the night before they believe the reason behind the illness was due to the food eaten at Pizzeria. Even though the case described in the scenario involves a different set and interaction, practice and concept with the Texas Department of Health (TDH) in Austin, Texas hospital, physician another individual groups. Although many questions, answers, have been given that creates a discussion based on different scenario defines the set of question that needs an answer at the end of part -2 reports. Discussion This