When a kid is not raised right, wether it be that their safety is compromised or their basic needs are not met, the only person who can be blamed is the parents. But sometimes all it could take for the child to forgive their parents is remembering the character of their parents and looking back at the memories. In the book The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls recounts some of her childhood memories that she has with her father and mother, although her father had a drinking problem and was irresponsible the memories of her and her father are some of the best moments of her life. Because of the aspiration that her father Rex Walls had and his ability to make his kids feel special. Even though Rex was not able to have materialistic objects for his children, he provided them with an education and also with his philosophies. The family did not always have a set place to live sometimes they didn't know where their next meal would come from that never tore them apart, and Jeannette was grateful looking back on the way she was raised because even with the tough times she knew that her parents cared and she loved the experiences that she had. Rex was able to keep the family together and strong throughout the hardships that the family faced the kids were taught to be self sufficient, therefore they were able to learn from their own mistakes and adjust on their own to get out of poverty on their own. The walls taught their kids to not become attached to items and to not have property, this was because of the lifestyle that they lived. The walls did not have a stable home and therefore were nomadic and they did not want the kids to become attached to where they were or an item because that could get in the way of them moving on to another place. At one point in the book the mom says “don’t be so sentimental, we could always get another cat”(p.12) This quote shows that the mother did not want them to get attached to the cat because they would have feelings towards the cat and when they could no longer have the cat it would be hard for them to let go of the cat. Mom was trying to get the point across that there are many more cats therefore with the