
Emotional, Logical and Ethical Persuasion

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When decisions are made and lines are drawn, the winner of the argument is whoever convinces the most people to side with his and her cause. Both parties must persuade significantly large amount of followers to accept their view point through propaganda speeches, advertisements, debates and presentations. Using the techniques of ethos, pathos and logos to craft engaging propaganda, the presenter can voice his or her opinion to the general public, hoping that a few people will stand by him or her and and validate his or her view points. We, as the audience members are attracted to what represents our beliefs and values. When we are presented with ideas that contradict our value system, we can either openly listen to the message or deny it completely. Like politicians and moviemakers have the power to pursued their audiences with words, facts and images to lure them into accepting theirs beliefs through the message of their documentaries. Movie director, Michael Moore is notorious for his exposure of truth through visual film documentaries; he uses satire, humor, emotion charged personal experiences from his interviewees, statistical facts and historical timeline. One of his most known documentary, Sicko hitting the world in 2007 shows him conducting interviews and doing investigative work supporting the facts behind health insurance corporations and the people who are affected by this great machine. He uses Ethos, Logos and Pathos to cater to the audience who might have PTSD, anyone who could relate to the financial burdens of having a large medical bill due to large insurance coverage or people who are just not knowledgeable of how the insurance company “really” handles their clients. He compares the American Health Insurance business to other countries around the world such as Canada and France. In regards to Pathos, Michael Moore does a great job on showing the emotional side of volunteer’s story to his audiences. Emotionally, people who carry a very heavy load of medical bills and struggling with health issuance companies could directly connect to the woman who is in debt because she suffers from a condition that prevents h

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