I have made many changes in my life through the years. One of these changes came when I was a freshman in high school. I grew up playing basketball since I was in the first grade, but I had never really taking the game seriously. I decided that I wanted to be the best basketball player that I possible could become. When I was in the ninth grade, I had friends who were getting division one scholarships to play basketball. I thought that being able to go to college for free and play basketball for the school sounded amazing. I asked my dad if he would help me become the best basketball player that I could possible become to try and earn a scholarship. He was an Olympic Ski Jumper so he knew what it would take and he said that he would gladly help me. I began doing basketball workouts everyday and lifting weights a couple times a week. I started having trouble finding time to balance all my schoolwork and basketball workouts. I then started waking up at 5 a.m. everyday to go to the YMCA to get my workouts in. This helped me learn how to discipline myself and work hard. Through all this hard worked I earned many things. I ended up my high school career as Minnesota’s all time leading scorer. I was able to travel the country playing in different tournaments. I was able to earn multiple division one scholarships through this change that I made. There are many things that motivated me to make this change in my life. One of the main reasons I made this change was because I wanted to be able to go to college for free. I knew many people that come out of college thousands of dollars in debt and I did not want to come out of college like that. Another reason was that I wanted to play college basketball. Sports have become such a huge part of our society today, and I wanted to experience this at the highest level that I possible could. One final reason was I wanted to make my family proud. I knew my family would always be proud of me, but I sti