When writing my assignment I choose to further my understanding on labeling theory. The first article I choose based itself on how through attaching labels to individuals it changes societies perception of how physically attractive they are. The author Kowner did a variety of studies to see if this theory was true. Kowner found that not only did labels of deviance effect how attractive an individual was but an individuals sexuality and mental state were also considered. This left me questioning wether or not society did find deviants less attractive which is a question I had not recognized myself asking previously when studying labeling theory. I found myself looking deeper into the lives of deviants whilst reading this article and saw things from a different perspective that hadn’t already been shown to me. I discovered that when being taught about labeling theory I am simply only asked to understand it. Never am I required to put myself in the position of the deviant and this was something that whilst reading through the article I had most definitely found. In particular, I discovered that in Japan where the experiment was based that the definition of deviance varied to what it is here in the UK. Due to this, many would question wether the bases of the study are relevant or even reliable when trying to understand how labeling theory effects those here in the UK. But, As always within sociology I find myself required to look beyond what is asked of us and to see further meanings of the topic in question to greater my understanding. I thought it was extremely interesting that when trying to see if their hypothesis of deviants being less attractive the researchers asked students to look at a set of photos and to rate them according to their attractiveness. When doing so the researchers are seeing if the students stereotypical view of someone who is deemed to be deviant means that they are less attractive than someone who does not fulf