
Animal Abuse and the ASPCA

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Animals of all types are being beaten and neglected by people in the world. They are left with no water and food. They are practically left to die. Some of the animals are rescued and given a chance to live, but others aren’t so lucky. A way to prevent this harsh act is to punish the people that do such harm. Animals can’t speak for themselves to protect their own interest. So we the people have to speak for them. A good way to protect animals is to create cruelty laws. According to ASPCA (The American Society for the Protection of Animals) there are two types of laws that have been created. The types of laws deal with passive and active cruelty. Passive cruelty is when an owner neglects an animal. Although no physical abuse is done to the animal, neglecting an animal is worse than it getting beaten. I know that it doesn’t sound very persuasive but it causes an animal to starve and dehydrate. These two conditions will cause it to have a painful and slow death which is very cruel. So in order for you to take care of your pets properly you have to pay great attention towards your pet. No matter what the consequence is, you must take care of your animal no matter what. Active cruelty consist of abusive and harmful actions to an animal. This type of cruelty is very inhumane for a person to do to a defenseless animal. When an animal is removed from the owner it is treated by veterinarians immediately. The owner in the other hand is arrested until his or her court date. Just imagine if you were a dog, cat, or horse - you wouldn’t like to be hurt or mistreated by anything. So you have to understand what the animal goes through and be against animal abuse because it is not right in any way that it is done. We the people have to stand up for once and speak for the animals that are getting mistreated all around the world. There is approximately over a million animals of all species that die of animal abuse a year, according to Animal Ab

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