“The Yellow Wallpaper,” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a compilation of journal entries written by an unnamed woman who is kept confined in a room by her doctor husband, believing it to be the best cure for what he diagnosed as temporary nervous depression. She is left to stare at the horribly ugly wallpaper, and not allowed to do anything under her husband’s watch. The narrator’s husband treats her like an invalid, a child, and a prisoner, which leads to her eventual insanity. First, the narrator’s husband treats her like an invalid, which only leads her closer to becoming insane. He orders her to complete bed rest and does not allow her to do a thing for herself. “He is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction,” (Gilman 747). He does practically everything for her. She even tells of a time when he picked her up and carried her up the stairs when she is very capable of doing so herself. Her husband, John, treats her with tonics, phosphates, cod liver oil, and pain pills. He also gives her ale and wine to drink. Even in that time it was known that pain pills should not be given with alcohol, so it was almost as if he did it intentionally to keep her tired and in bed all day. Second the narrator is also treated like a child, which leads to her insanity. Her husband makes the nursery her bedroom, along with a baby gate at the top of the stairs. John calls her child-like names such as, “blessed little goose,” and, “little girl.” When the narrator tried to talk to her husband about anything, especially her illness, he would tease her, laugh at her, and patronize her. It was like her husband had no respect for her or her opinions at all. Then, after attempting to talk to him and being ignored he would simply send her to bed. At one point in the story her husband even reads her a bed time story. “And dear John gathered me up in his arms, and just carried me upstairs and laid me on t