
Abolishing the Death Penalty

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Capital punishment, also known as, death penalty is an issue that has stimulates argument and uncertainty in today’s culture. It is a form of ending a criminal’s life the same way he or she ends a victim’s life. “Forms of the death penalty include lethal injection, hanging from the neck, gassing, firing squad and has included use of the guillotine.” (Duhaime, 2005) The question of whether capital punishment should be terminated is very much debatable in some countries. Furthermore, there are also some countries that still practice this severe form of corporal punishment. This essay will elaborate more on why capital punishment should be abolished and why it is considered as inhumane and an unusual form of severe punishment. “The death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, not a solution to it.” (Amnesty, n.d) It is basically saying that by performing death penalty, it will not reduce the rates of similar crimes being conducted repeatedly. A study by Radelet, M.L and Lacock, T.L (2009), conducted among criminologist, strongly added to a finding that death penalty does not add to a deterrence effect to those who have been imprison for a long period of time. Death penalty is a form of discrimination. It is often used to victimize people who are poor or are a part of a certain race, ethnic and religious groups, especially Aficans-Americans. “In some countries, it is used as a tool of repression – a swift and brutal way of silencing political opposition.”(Mehta, 2014) As a result of this, many innocent people’s life have been taken off due to the overwhelming favorability of the other parties involved. Since the poor have less support to find a legal resource to defend themselves, they are often misjudged as the one who actually commit the crimes which in fact is the other way round. According to Amnesty International and the National Association on Mental Illness, people with mental illnesses cannot parti

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