Child labor is a serious epidemic that is happening all over the world. It is considered to be a form of modern day slavery. In this controversial image, the audience visualizes a young girl at a sewing machine crafting a Nike tennis shoe. This image also has Nike’s popular slogan, “Just Do It”. The contrast of the image is black and white. This embodies significance because the image is extremely controversial. The perception of this image has two reactions. First, the audience could be deeply disturbed. Second, the audience is receptive and accepting toward the commonality of child labor. Child labor is the exploitation of underage children within work related affairs. These children range between the ages of 5 to 17 and are often working in illegal or hazardous circumstances. Child labor prevents children from attending school. They tend to work extremely long hours with little or no pay. Children involved in child labor experience forced labor, intolerable abuse, and harsh working conditions. These children typically come from families who live in poverty. Poor families may be dependent upon child labor to help them attain basic necessities. Child labor mostly occur in foreign territories such as; the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The extreme because these in these locations cause children to become child laborers, along with the fact that education is limited. Although child labor has been around for decades, it has recently become a controversy due to human rights activist. Although the United States has strict regulations regarding child labor, large American corporations move their manufacturing companies overseas to make their product or good at a cheaper price. For example, if American companies resided in the United States they would be forced to follow regulations based on child labor and workers rights. This includes paying employees decent wages, establishing manageable work hours, creating a safe environment, and following stipulations of the Occupational Safety Health Administration also known as OSHA. By moving these companies overseas, corporations are able to abuse international workers rights because these foreign countries have little no regulations protecting these