While browsing through the “Norway Issues Warnings about Health Dangers of Farmed Salmon” by Dr. Mercola, I have noticed that there are two different types of salmons. The two different types of salmon are farmed salmon and wild salmon. Although, salmon is considered to healthy for people, what most people don’t realize is that there are side effects in salmon’s because they simply just purchase whatever the shopping market has. For example, after reading “The Four Fishes,” by Paul Greenberg, I was totally shocked that farmed salmon can be lethal for consumer’s health. All my life, my parents would shop at Safeway and Costco and purchases any type of salmon they had in stock and not realizing that it might be indeed become bad for our health. Most of the time, big corporations like Costco and Safeway only sell farmed salmons. There might be wild salmons in their market, but the salmons can be expensive. Also, not that many people will notice the differences between farmed salmons and wild salmons because they haven’t done their research. There are mostly more cons than pros when purchasing our daily salmon fishes in the market. Upon purchasing salmon, there will always be farmed salmon fishes in our daily market. Farmed salmons are what most salmon consumers are eating today. Consumers are purchasing farmed salmons because they are clueless about which types of salmons are good or worst for them. For example, if supermarkets are only selling farmed salmons and the supermarket was what consumers goes to for their daily purchases, they would just tend to purchases farmed salmon because that’s the only salmon that their supermarket had. It’s not like consumers doesn’t have a choice on what to purchases and what not to purchase but it’s because of the inconvenience that buyers will have, if they have to make two runs of grocery shopping elsewhere just for salmon. By having that “inconvenience” thought in th