
Journal - Families in Daily Life

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In my Sociology class about Marriage and the Family, we talked about whether they considered themselves as adult, if we thought so, why they think about that. About two-third of student answered they were not sure if they were adult or not because they thought they did not get married yet, not have kid yet, and the important thing was they were supported by their parents financially. However, they think themselves as adults on the other side, such as determining how to live their lives by themselves and having a driving license. Like them, the period of adult is not clear. The men of age 30 that complete transition to adulthood are lower as 30 % than 65% in 1960. In the women of age 30, also lower as 46% than 77% in the past. Even though age of 30 is sorted into adult, most of them do not think them as adult yet. Because they have vague position, that they felt adult on some aspect but does not on the other aspect, they are sorted into the transition between adolescence and adult. Traditionally, they consider them as adult like marriage, becoming a parent, finishing school, getting a full-time job, becoming financially independent from parents. However, because these days they not focus on the marriage or parenthood but more take attention to self-fulfillment through career and job, the viewpoint on early adulthood is changed and also many people stay in this period so long time in their lives. On the other hand, because in the past they got married early and have child on their early age in the past, the period of early adulthood was so short, even though they have already used the term. In the life-course perspective, a new stage of life, early adulthood, emerge. It is the stage of life when people stay in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Cherlin defines early adulthood is the period between the mid-teens and about age 30 when individuals finish education, enter the labor force, and begin their own families. (PPF, pg. 7

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