1. Organizational set up of Safeway Group of Companies Safeway Group of Companies is a registered Ghanaian company with interests in real estate development, tilapia farming and education, food services, and furniture distribution. Due to the nature of the various strategic business units, Safeway employs the product or divisional departmentalization where work and over 500 workers are organized into separate units responsible for producing particular product or services. The figure below depicts how Safeway is structured: PRODUCT/ DIVISIONAL DEPARTMENTALISATION: SAFEWAY GROUP The structure above indicates that Safeway is organized along four different product lines: estates, agro, food services, and furniture. This structure allows the managers and workers to develop a broader set of experiences and expertise related to an entire product line. Top managers are also able to easily compare the performance of the various divisions due to the clear separation of the four different divisions. In 2013 for instance, the furniture division which is a new addition to the group recorded an impressive 1.9million cedis in revenue in its first year; whereas the estates made a loss of 90,000ghc due to land litigation and other issues. Also in this structure there are fewer conflicts because managers and workers are responsible for the entire product line and decision making is faster. However, Safeway’s structure presents some challenges. Firstly, there is duplication of functions. From the structure above, there are accounts, sales and marketing, and accounts departments in all the divisions. This results in higher costs. Also, Safeway has difficulty standardizing its policies and procedures in the various divisions due to lack of proper coordination. With over 500 workers, Safeway tend to have more specialization, more departmentalization, more vertical levels and more rules and regulations. Safeway’s activities are characterized by automated and standardized operations. For instance, the furniture an