Objective The topic that will be discussed is the benefits of learning foreign languages. With the development of society, economy and globalizing in places such as: Canada and the United States, languages are becoming more and more important; my goal is to highlight why this is. The topic should appeal to a greater audience because proficiency in foreign language is important and the acquisition of foreign language is said to be beneficial. I gathered my information from three main sites listed below in my references. The only search terms used were ‘Benefits of Learning Foreign Languages.’ Topic Analysis 1. Career Opportunities “Those who speak more than one language have a greater chance of succeeding in business” (Chau, 2014). Effective Communication have been known in the business world, as an effective tool in building international relationships and helps in being successful. There are many specific cases where second or third language would increase your job opportunity. For example: When seeking a job in places such as: Quebec, the first thing they ask is “Do you speak French?” There and then you know that although you might not be qualified for the position, speaking French is a criteria in getting that job. Among important careers with persons knowing a foreign language are Interpreters. Interpreters are among the fast growing occupation, with opportunities to increase your income by 46% between 2012 and 2022[Bureau of Labour Statistics]. In all organizations, there is at least one person, that’s from a different country. Being able to talk with them in their own language allows for greater communication and more involvement. Most companies therefore, look for candidates with foreign language skills. If you are already working and know a foreign language, this may lead to special recognitions or promotions. As an employer, it will help encourage staff performance, improve customer services, and increase reve