As looking up to the fact, getting over the crush can be really hard or even impossible for some people but please remember that nothing is easy in this world. It is always hard to solve the problem that we have in daily life. I am here to help those who are in need of forgetting someone by having some tips and advices that can make impossible thing become possible. First, you need to believe in the word “possible." You need to remember that everything is possible if we do try our best and the beginning is always the hardest stage. Believe in yourself that you can do it, you can forget that someone. Second, you have to find what you never saw about him or her. I know that who we love is always the perfect person in our eyes but they are still human and human are not perfect. They must have some bad points that you never think about. Tell yourself, it is time to stop being blind and try to figure out what those points are. I am sure that you will get a long list of the bad point of them. Third, it is about changing your thought after you already found out a long list of bad point of them. Ask yourself these questions: “Are you deserve that kind of guy or that kind of girl?” “How come you fall for this jerk or this bitch?” and “Why do you need to have a crush on that guy or that girl?” If you want to get over them, you must have a good answer for these questions. Believe me, you deserve someone better. Fourth, you need to remove all the memories or everything that related to the person you want to forget. Delete all texts and photos of them that you have saved in your phone and computer; throw all the stuffs that remind you of them away; it is better if you donate those stuffs to the poor. Doing these kinds of thing will give you refresh and you can have a new start. Fifth, it is living your life; you need to remember that you still have people on your side, such as your friends and family. You can hang out with them to s