In "Beloved," the protagonist struggle against personal traumas that are created by the historical contexts of their settings. The immense tragedies of American slavery are present throughout the personal histories intertwined in Beloved, from the characterization of Beloved as a representative for the collective slave experience to the very personal trauma of Sethe’s choice to murder her daughter to save her from life as a slave. In the novel text, though set in a vastly different time, still also explored the complexities of race relations and the damage that it can inflict. Throughout the text, the scars of the collective identity directly correlate to the identities of the characters; although in a sense both of these are stories “not to be told,” it is their telling that brings to light the struggles of personal crisis in the scheme of historical upheaval. Beloved is set in an era of reconstruction, in which racial groups redefine their identity in new social structure. This story came from the rebuilding times after the civil war and belongs to an era in which black community seemingly claimed their liberation but encountered hurdles and obstruction at each stage taking the shape of biased laws, lack of economic opportunities and social unacceptability (Dennis, 2009).This story bring to light the irony of social behavior that despite the era of liberation, the mind set and social practices are still slave to inequality and prejudices. Sethe is a former slave who bears the scars of her master’s whips. Despite generating the story in fiction, it is intentionally enlightenment about historical events. Despite directly reiterating the historical event fictional events are generated drawing inspiration from actual historical events. During the story Stamp Paid referred to many historical terms that would appear to be meaningless to a reader who can’t connect it to history but carry a lot of meaning for an educated reader. The author Writer pointed out that Sethe directed all her efforts to resolve the issue not just avoid them which in itself a great reason to remember the history and past. Her morning routines and work of kneading dough is actually preparation for coming over the past. Because for her character able to come to terms with difficulties of past is just like hard and difficult labor in which only strength and resilience allow to complete and forget th