Abstract Bangladesh is one of the labor exporting countries in the world. Due to very limited employment opportunities within the country special emphasis is given to enhance scope for overseas employment as tool to accelerate pace of poverty alleviation activity. Many labors are going abroad illegally. So they become illegal labors there. Due to an imperfect immigration policy and poor enforcement, migrant workers have been victims of corruption by middlemen before departure. In the hand of brokers and subagents of the recruiting agencies scattered in every nook and corner of the country many people are becoming completely void. They are demanding more money than is required for sending people abroad. They cannot assure employment there and so labors have to undergo cheating. There are many impediments from the Govt. and recruiting agencies also. Manpower export is in the edge of destruction. Migrant workers from Bangladesh are often uninformed, use irregular channels to migrate and find themselves in vulnerable positions. Due to the lack of information, high transaction costs and exploitation, which opens the way to dishonest recruiting agents, middlemen, smugglers and traffickers, migrants often are cheated, exploited. The people who have been cheated cannot take help of law enforcing agencies of the country and have to suffer miserable condition. This study attempts to find out the overall understanding about this issue as well as provides suggestions to solve this problem. Introduction International labor migration has become an increasingly important feature in a globalizing world. Bangladesh is increasingly integrated with global economy in terms of trade, investment, flow of remittances; its degree of openness. Bangladesh is one of the major labor-sending countries of the world. Bangladesh is a hugely labor surplus country and consequently participates in the supply side of the global labor market. Migrant workers are considered one of the major lifelines of the country's economy. They are the second biggest contributor to the national GDP after the garment sector. Around nine million Bangladeshis are now working at various sectors across the world according to the BMET1. Last year, they sent more than $14 billion in remittance to the country. It was over $13 billion the previous year. Due to a defective immigration policy and poor enforcement, migrant workers have been victims of corruption by middlemen before departure. Their employers in the host country seize their passports, force them to sign revised contracts in a language they do not understand, pay low wages, delay payment and provide no medical care. Incidents of cheating have risen in recent years because jobseekers are trying to migrate illegally, as there are fewer jobs through legal channels these days. Some agencies are demanding more money than is required for sending people abroad. They cannot assure employment there and so labors have to undergo cheating. Moreover they do not get declared wage and opportunities. Recently in Kuwait labor unrest has caused demanding wage increase. So Kuwait government sent them back empty hand after torture. The same thing happened in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Due to the lack of information, high transaction costs and exploitation, which opens the way to immoral recruiting agents, middlemen, smugglers and traffickers, migrants often are cheated, exploited and unable to safe money abroad. People have long been illegally migrating and being cheated by brokers and some unauthorized agencies but the frequency has increased rapidly in recent years. Still, the authorities have not taken any notable measures to bring the perpetrators to book. Central Research Questions: This term paper is an endeavor to answer the following questions: 1. Why Bangladeshi cheated labor migrants denied justice? 2. What should be the possible solution to overcome this issue? Methodology Considerable data have been collected for preparing this assignment paper. The research work is accomplished with secondary data. Necessary data are collected from newspapers, journals and due to short time I have used some of my experience from 22 November’s press conference of The Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit of Dhaka University and Manusher Jonno Foundation at the Jatiya Press Club. From there I gathered lots of information about labor migrants who have been cheated and denied justice. Objective of the Assignment: Migration has long been an important livelihood strategy for the people of Bangladesh. People have long been illegally migrating and being cheated by brokers and some unauthorized agencies but the frequency has increased rapidly in recent years. Still, the authorities have not taken any notable measures to bring the perpetrators to book. The main objectives of this assignment are in the following. - To develop an understanding on perspectives, issues and concerns connected with this topic - To fig